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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Marvels , you know that new superhero movie

    Quote Originally Posted by Saph View Post
    ramza, seriously, how the **** can you keep track of or even understand this stuff. I read that second paragraph of yours three times and I still have no clue what it means.

    If it was any other subject I'd assume that you just explained it in a really confusing way, but given that it's Marvel I suspect that you just described it 100% factually and it really is that insanely convoluted.
    Comics are a baroqueugly pearl mess and I have been out of it for like 60% of my life. *laughing joke* for I do relapse

    How you ask? Well when I was an elementary school kid in the first or second grade all the boys were talking about these new shows this Power Rangers and the X-Men on the Fox Kids, so that is how the Baroque mess got to me. Stupid sad rogue who could hit like a semi truck, fly, and was allowed to be sad and not just awesome.

    Most of comics is nonsense, but there are some good stuff in there. For example I mentioned Chris Claremont earlier who was doing the X-Men after 1975 and was also doing some comics before that. Well he was an English Major and Politics Major, who adored the classics like Shakespeare and Milton but every cheap dime paperback Sci-Fi novel he could devour. Thus I learned to like this franchise by a Virgil for better or worse. Someone who took the blender of things and made an acceptable sometimes great product.

    And X-Men was relaunched in 2019 with House of X Powers of 10 which is a good starting point for newbies, and it has been mostly good, some form of B+ consistently though some Cs and As in there. This era is ending in 2024 (so 5 years) and we will see what comes next.


    Back to Ms Marvel, I barely know of her, she was created in 2013 and has been the breakout star of the last 10 years with Miles Morales. She was assembled in a lab, creating a new Kitty like Pryde character that people could identify with, a Buffy for a new era. Thus I learned about her via osmosis for many people have imprinted on her.

    And one learns the drama backstory with Disney vs Fox IP for it made no sense for her to be an Inhuman yet they did it for good reasons, and now they are relaunching her in the X-Men which I actually know more and care about.
    Last edited by Ramza00; 2023-11-13 at 06:29 PM.
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