Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
3/5 made bank. We're not at doomsday yet.

I don't think Marvel is in as dire straits as some do; the real litmus will be the performance of things like Deadpool and X-Men, provided there isn't another strike muddying the waters before those.

And even if they underperform, the issue seems to be the entire superhero genre if not the cinema industry in general.

Well remember that the studio only gets half of the box office (approx 55% domestic 40-45% international and 25% china) and there are marketing costs

so in millions

Film Cost Advert BoxOffice Take P/L
Dr Strange 295 100 678 339 -56
Thor L&T 250 100 760 380 30
Panther 2 250 100 859 430 80
A&W Quantum 200 100 476 238 -62
GoG 3 250 100 846 423 73

So a total profit of 65 million
and that is with best possible costs to Disney
they have been shown to have a history of underestimating those costs by a fair marking when people go and get the tax breaks they ask for from the UK gov. By enough that the UK tax scheme payback is less than the additional costs...but it takes a couple years to get that data.
so "make Bank" is an overstatment IMO
Especial since they have also had major problems in merch, D+ marvel etc.