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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: The Marvels , you know that new superhero movie

    Regarding the Kree, i think this movie recontextualizes them a bit, but not in a way that actually clashes with prior depictions, (i'll also agree they've suffered a bit from faceless goon syndrome). Having a genocidal AI that acts as both your political class and your administrative civil service running your entire species for a few thousand years whilst brainwashing anyone who even slightly steps out of line means they have no real experiance of how to actually run things without an AI or make their own decisions or settle their own disagreements.

    Carol (as she says in the movie), was trying to set the Kree free to choose what they wanted to be without the AI brainwashing them into compliance. But of course an entire species with no experiance of ruling themselves and trained to see any problem as one to be opposed with military force was going to suffer a major civil war in the aftermath. In a way Carol there had the same problem the Kree themselves had. When all you have is a hammer you start seeing every problem as a nail. And thats what she's mad at herself over. She was trying to help them, she saw them as mostly just brainwashed people like her, but the way she went about it meant all that millenia of brainwashing to enforce conformity created a perfect scenario for a civil war. And that civil war has made the kree peoples situation worse, not better.

    So of course if she was trying to help them by blowing up the AI she's going to be mad and upset at herself for the civil war that followed. In hindsight it's an obvious end result but s she puts in in the film she; 'was too blinded by self righteousness to see the consequences of her actions'. I'm going to be honest, i think this message was an important one for the movie to have. No it's not really fair on herself for her to entirely blame herself for what happened, but equally it was a direct consequence of somthing she did, responsibility for the consequences of your actions is a good thing to have and a good message to send. It's a balancing act ultimately and often incredibly nuanced.

    @warty_goblin: Ant Man 3's issue wasn't the CGI, it was the pacing, 'The Marvels' whilst suffering from not letting the emotional moments breathe enough, was able to squeeze enough of them into the the action scenes enough to make them still mostly work. It could have been better but it wasn't actively bad. Ant Man 3 didn't let them breathe at all and they totally fell flat as a result. It's a movie thats just pure action scenes and exposition. Which is a shame, they had some good stuff they could have done with it if they'd just taken some more time with it. But this has been a persistent issue going back to at least Eternal's. they're trying to cram too many emotional arcs and major plots into each movies runtimes. The Marvels just gets much closer to a good balance than anything else since then has, (that i've seen).

    Oh, btw, whilst i'll probably write a spoilered summary later, i'd recommend everyone watch both seasons of Loki. The ending of Season 2 is functionally the biggest thing to happen in the MCU to date. And i wouldn't trust marvel to do a good job of expositioning it when it inevitably comes up in future, (they did good in marvels with introducing Kamala and Monica, but thats been the exception IMO). But the Season 2 finale won't make any sense without watching the rest of the first 2 seasons.

    p.s.s totally agree lockjaw is the goodest boi, everything i've seen of him, (not a comics person at all), has been great 11/10 would pet the big goober.
    Last edited by Carl; 2023-11-14 at 04:05 PM.