Chloé Clement
High Elf Artificer
AC: 12 HP: 17/17
PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

Once again, her introduction goes awry. Stupid Chloé. She bows her head in deference, and to hide the disappointment she feels at herself. "Chloé Clement, of the Clements. Alchemy is my primary focus but I'll learn anything that's useful, if I can." She's not familiar with the tower disappearance, but it strikes her as a little reckless to have only man with knowledge of the wards. "You don't have any apprentices or students who can help?" Not that she was trying to find a new position, but studying beneath the Order's foremost arcanist could only be beneficial for her.