Chloé Clement
High Elf Artificer
AC: 12 HP: 17/17
PP: 10 PIv: 15 PIs: 11
Conditions: --
Concentrating: --

The suggestion that Chloé would use the valuable chance to look at her alchemy lab up close to pull pranks mortifies the young woman, though her denial of it is held on the tongue only by the realisation it would, in turn, make her look guilty. Instead she settles for a polite "I would love a chance to observe the arrangements in the lab and see what I could learn from it." The prospect is, in fact, intensely exciting, and it's only needing to remain proper that stops her from dashing off with the key to immediately go poke around and see what wonders they have available.

Any platitudes she might have about the lost man and tower die in her throat before she can speak them aloud, all feeling intensely not-useful. "Will you be staying for the entire meeting? It sounds like you're quite busy."

Mostly she just doesn't want to lose access to her 'borrowed' key too quickly.