R1T15: Kaen completely freaks out and immediately flees, but only at half-speed as he is distracted by what seems to be a swarm of insects all over him. He isn't currently equipped to handle this, as conventional attacks are sub-optimal ways of dealing with them.

As he stumbles out, he sees that a few of the bugs give chase, but not enough to really be of any issue. As they get into the rays of the sun they angrily disperse and go back into the house, likely to find even darker corners since Kaen left the door open.

Initiative Ends!

He catches his breath and makes his way back to the party at best speed and calmly asks, "Do any of you have any good destructive magicks? I seem to have riled up an insect swarm."

"No," replies Thickness flatfly, devolving from thence into foreign swearing. Dropping into a crouch on the spo while divesting himself of spear and shield, he starts rifling through his pack for one of his torches, pulling one out.