Sabian Skellegue
Half-Orc Barbarian
AC: 14 HP: 23/23
PPer: 13 PInv: 10 PIst: 11
Conditions: --
Sabian helps Cassandra load the books that she identifies into her pack, and the group makes off to the armory. The hallways are empty, and Sabian hopes to the gods that nona and the others were not in the courtyard, but were elsewhere, and made it out okay.

Once in the armory, the group takes stock of what's available. We should each carry a healing kit. Everyone grab a tent and some packs, no telling when and where we will be able to stop. He moves along, grabbing tools and other items, and finds himself standing before a suit of enchanted half-plate. The reality of their situation, of the plight of the Order, seems to fall on him, having been suspended in the air through the urgency. They will have to fight, one way or another, and there was no telling who from the Order would be able to help them. As if the same thought occurred to him, Vidrik says, "We should take the time to put on the armor?" It's not a question, but a realization, like Sabian's.

Sabian nods, Yes, we have to, he looks to the others, There's no telling what we're going to face out there. He puts the other items down, This will take me a moment to put on, he says, stripping down to his undergarments, maybe you guys can find some other stuff in the guests quarters or officers quarters? While the halls are still clear.

Spoiler: Sabian grabs...
Half-Plate of Cold Resistance
+1 Spear
Healer's Kit (x1)
Tent (x1)
Explorer's Pack (x1)
Warhammer (x1)
Dagger (x2)
50ft Rope (in addition to Explorer's Pack)
Longsword (x1)
Whetstone (x1)
Hunter's Trap (x1)

Is there a portable ram here? If so, Sabian nabs it.