Quote Originally Posted by Alhallor View Post
The fish person doesn't seem to wake up when the party settles, when Bommel and Morazzt declare "Break Time" however his eyes open and he gasps at the air, speaking some syllables in his blubbery language. "Gaarrabubulagh! Ohmhada, Shwarf!"


"Greetings neighbors." It says, a bit taken aback. "It seems you are no enemy's of mine, I'm Grabralglagwoub" It hesitates a moment. "Woub would do fine, what are you doing on these old paths?"
The fish person sounds almost like Morazzt the mound. This pleases Morazzt the Mound. The fish person gets a floppy vine-wave. GOOd to MeeET yOu, WOUB! I'm MORAZZT thE MounD! HERe to HeLp SOMEoNE HELp PEOpLE, so thEY'lL heLP US aftERWARDS! HOw abOUt YOU? the MOund gurgles with unconcealed enthusiasm.