R3T19: Grum feels Helena below and looks up at the dog like beast. "I'll be chewy as owt, ye winnae like me..." bellows the dwarf as he tries clamber up out of the hole using his bulk and the lip of the trapdoor to gain some purchase. He has none, and his entire body dangles, behind held in a bitten grapple aloft by the monster while that hanging bulk blocks the chute from anyone else coming up.

R3T4: Helena, what do you do? You pretty much have Grum's ample-armored rump on your head.

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Gwennid: 23. DELAYING!!!
Esobok: 20. (48:48).
Grum: 19.
Helena: 4. Buckler. Climbing ladder midway.
* Mage armor (5 hrs.). Fatigued.
