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Thread: Ruins of Azlant: The Lost Outpost [IC]

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    Halfling in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Re: Ruins of Azlant: The Lost Outpost [IC]

    Arsenne says: "Hang on, before going for that corner building, how about if we take a look at this second long building between the one we just explored and the corner building? I mean, it's on our way right?"

    "Also, I think we should discuss all that coinage we found. Unlike the wand, the amulet, or the chain shirt, loose coins are not specifically identifiable items. I don't think some colonist is going to come back and say, 'hey, that is my specific silver coin!'. And it's not like the coins were in an identifiable chest or specially adorned coffer. They were laying about in the building. I think we should keep it together and use it for communal benefits of us, the new colonists, and hopefully the original batch of colonists whom we hope to find."

    "If you like, I can keep it in a bundle, and keep track of it for our purposes. Much as I hated those six infernal weeks I spent training in the Church of Abadar before discovering the beauty of The Eternal Rose, I did stay long enough to learn the rudimentary elements of accounting and can keep track of what coin comes in and what goes out, and what belongs to whom."
    Last edited by Diavolo; 2024-01-21 at 11:09 PM.