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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: Dangerous Old Men & Women (5e, high level NPC combat testing) IC

    Merry Mann
    High Elf Abjuration Wizard 11
    AC: 18 | HP: 57/57 | Initiative: +3(A)
    STR: +1 | DEX: +3 | CON: +1 | INT: +9 | WIS: +4 | CHA: -1
    Spell Slots: 1st: 3/4 | 2nd: 3/3 | 3rd: 2/3 | 4th: 2/3 | 5th: 1/2 | 6th: 0/1
    Arcane Ward: 27/27hp
    Active Effects: Death Ward, Blink (7/10 rounds), Mage Armor
    Concentrating: Bigby's Hand (8/10 rounds)
    Immunities: Poison, Magical Sleep
    Conditions: On the Ethereal Plane

    Merry lets out an uncharacteristic curse in Elvish as the Disintegrate is dodged. He takes heed of Lanius' warning, though, and fires off a flurry of red-hot rays before he heads over to the rope and climbs up.

    He's most of the way to the top when he begins fading out onto the Ethereal Plane again.

    Spoiler: OOC - Scorching Ray and Bigby's Clenched Fist
    Well, if one ray doesn't hit, here's five more:
    (1d20+12)[13] for (2d6)[6] fire
    (1d20+12)[32] for (2d6)[9] fire
    (1d20+12)[15] for (2d6)[11] fire
    (1d20+12)[32] for (2d6)[12] fire
    (1d20+12)[19] for (2d6)[5] fire

    And a punch from Bigby's hand for good measure.
    (1d20+12)[16] for (4d8)[16] force damage

    and Blink: (1d20)[15]
    Last edited by Archemist; 2024-02-05 at 12:11 PM.