Jessica Aegnor
Half Elf Oath of the Watchers Paladin 11
AC: 23 | HP: 92/113 | Initiative: +5
STR: +8 | DEX: +6 | CON: +8 | INT: +4 | WIS: +9 | CHA: +13
Spell Slots: 1st: 3/4 | 2nd: 3/3 | 3rd: 1/3
Lay on Hands: 55/55
Channel Divinity: 0/1
Harness Divine Power: 2/2
Active Effects: Sentinel, Watcher's Will, Shield of Faith, Aid, Boots of Speed, Death Ward
Concentrating: Shield of Faith
Immunities: Disease, Frightened
Conditions: None

Jessica watches her foe become assailed by magics of all kinds and circles around him before striking again. She isn't the sort to stab someone in the back, even in a fight like this.

Move to O15.
Attack #1 - To hit: (1d20+10)[28], to damage: (1d8+8)[15] slashing damage, plus (1d8)[6] radiant damage. If the attack lands, Divine Smite for another (4d8)[16] radiant damage.
Attack #2 - To hit: (1d20+10)[21], to damage: (1d8+8)[9] slashing damage, plus (1d8)[6] radiant damage. If the attack lands, Divine Smite for another (4d8)[14] radiant damage or (3d8)[15] radiant damage if attack #1 connects as well.