Quote Originally Posted by Metastachydium View Post
SO yes. Most adaptations of Dracula are at the very least very strictly inferior to the original if not aggressively bad (most are aggressively bad) and Mina (alongside Renfield, but he kinda deserves it for killing birdies) is one of the characters who's done dirty the most (the idiotic reincarnation romance thing they keep slapping on her is just insult to injury).
I blame the original Ravenloft module, and Ireena/Tatyana. That's not the actual reason, but I like to tie it to that, regardless.

As far as I know, that came about due to an early 70s TV version, made by the same person who made Dark Shadows and starring Jack Palance. IIRC, that was a plot point for Barnabas in Dark Shadows, and he reused it in the Dracula movie.