Bommel inclines his whole body at the question. How is the black-robe-wizard familiar with him? Bommel has never seen him.

...Oh, maybe he means familiar like with Rince's raven back in Rabiton.

"I'm not a bird, I'm a silktail. And I trained hard to be one! I trained so hard I became small!" Bommel says with a degree of pride, his teeth practically shining in... whatever light there is. It's okay, the wizard couldn't know. Unless he knew with secret wizardly ways, hmmmm...

"I'd like to find the" Look back at the wizard's and dwarf's hands. "six-finger-handed wizard for a friend."

He spots (and hears, let's be honest) Morazzt shuffling tactically, so the Shadow Ear turn-blobs around. "Did you spot the" Another look to check. "many-fingered wizard? Is he hiding in the lava?!"