Quote Originally Posted by wilphe View Post

Gods may be omniscient and infallible, or at least as close to that as to be all but indistinguishable to a mortal, their servants are not

Before I even think about finding this woman, I must satisfy myself as to the verity and gravity of her offence and the impossibility of redemption
The clerk nods sagely

That is an acceptable answer

However we were told to expect you and you alone

Wighard looks sternly at him

Herr Grimdurson is my sworn companion of longstanding, he has saved my life and I his. And unlike many other Champions his commitment to Justice is unquestionable.

There is a brief pause

Very well

The clerk produces a key, proceeds over to one of the cabinets, unlocks a drawer and takes out a slim sheaf of papers bound with red twine and sealed with wax.

The folder is adressed to Wighard bears two marks that he recognises as Tilean abbreviations, one an owl with
Spoiler: SPTO
Solo per i tuoi occhi (For your Eyes Only)
at four corners, the other a sword of justice with
Spoiler: SSSDSDS
Sul Servizio Segretissimo della Signora della Saggezza (On the Lady of Wisdom's Most Secret Service

He places it on the desk before the two companions

Do you know what is within?

A few days ago some of us received a vision to take all our information on this woman and prepare it for you. The folder does however seem slightly thicker than when I put it away

Very well, do you wish to remain here while we open it?

I would very much prefer not to, but I shall wait outside to ensure you are not disturbed