Quote Originally Posted by pendell View Post

1. These are different assumptions which probably can't be solved. Look at Serini's dungeon in the comic -- when there are monsters and traps in a dungeon, I normally assume it's because the person who built the dungeon included them to defend whatever's at the bottom of the dungeon. I suppose Spiegel COULD have just "moved in", but I assume it would have to contend with the tomb's defenses. But the tomb doesn't seem to have any defenses other than the Spiegel. Ergo, I believe the Spiegel is the original defense, and a very effective one at that.

2. I wouldn't think there would be that many bodies, and it doesn't have a mouth or anything that would imply eating meat or vegetables or anything else. It isn't spelled out , so I'm willing to let it go.

3. The morality of dungeon diving I'm willing to let pass. It's an old-school D&D world and should be appreciated as such. The point is Frieren and her long life and the impacts she has on others, and they on her. This isn't a re-telling of the civil rights struggle in a gaming world, as OOTS seemingly wants to be.

1) I agree we don't have enough information to know, but I don't agree we don't see other defenses? There's a whole lot of traps. My assumption was that it was just a classical 'trapped tomb' which the monster moved into.

2) Again, I agree we lack sufficient information to be sure, but my expectation is that having found its secure nest, it simply naps and wakes up whenever anyone comes in range, has them killed, eats them, then goes back to sleep. It's basically an ambush predator.

3) I basically agree with this, though I do think Frieren deals with this a bit and comes down quite firmly on 'no, Demons aren't just people with horns, they are fundamentally alien and hostile,' which I think is rather more interesting, if less optimistic than 'all species are just humans with extra bits grafted on.'