Quote Originally Posted by Inspectre View Post
“Is that message clear enough for you?”
Dalen looks at the apple, feigning disgust as he reads the message. He then drops it to the ground and crushes it beneath his boot, erasing any evidence, "very clear, Mr Kreed. It's apparent to me that I'm wasting my time here, and I have more important places to be. I assure you, getting a little wet is the least of my concerns right now,"

He walks out, making sure only to smile when he's out of sight of the others. Kreed's opinion that the Arbiters would not be swayed was likely correct, and without contravening testimony the strategy changed. Dalen strode to find Kroft as quickly as possible.

"Ms Kroft, I've spoken to Kreed. He won't help us directly, but I think he might have let slip something I can follow up on. I very much doubt we will be able to convince the Arbiters, so I'm going to head out now and see what I can surmise. I will try to be back in time to join you, but if I don't return, our strategy is simple: delay. Tell the Arbiters that Trinia's ongoing testimony is important to investigating others in the kingslayer conspiracy,"

Dalen strides towards the exit at a brisk pace, stopping as he passes a room with someone else working inside. He raises an eyebrow as he notices the Ifrit man who was apparently part of their party to save the queen in this new time stream. He walks in and claps his feet loudly on the floor to announce his approach, "Alchemical potions? I can't say I recognize these reagents," he raises an eyebrow, "Jeqem, was it? I've a lead to follow up on, if you care to join me. Hopefully we can be back before anything goes down tonight,"

Spoiler: OOC

Dalen invites Jeqem to join him on their journey to 135 Mast Street on the East Shore.

Before leaving Dalen will open his spellbook for 1 minute to prepare 2 copies of Deep Slumber. If Jeqem joins him, he will use his remaining Pearl of Power to cast Mount. His Mount spells last 10 hours so his own from earlier is still around so they will both have one.