Quote Originally Posted by Tyndmyr View Post
If you can't assume that a super wealthy, famous director slapping out blockbusters has control of what he is doing, can we at least assume that when he literally slaps his name on a version, that it is his version?
It really feels like there is two camps here, we have camp the bigger a director gets the more control they have.

And camp, the bigger a director gets, the less control they have.

And personally I find myself in camp a little from column A and a little from column B. It's clear that studios will invest more money and are more likely to take a chance on a big directors more outlandish ideas. But it's also clear that when they have invested a lot of money they will want to keep an eye on the project.

I think this is the perfect time for bullet points:
  • Due to unforeseen (and terrible) circumstances Snyder leaves the project and a new director takes over.
  • The new director does reshoots but also has to stick to what has already been filmed/decided.
  • After the movies release rumors about studio meddling surfaces.
  • Fan campaign to release a directors cut starts taking off.
  • Snyder confirms the existence of a Snyder cut.
  • There is enough hype for the studio to think they can make money from releasing a Snyder cut.
  • Snyder finalizes the Snyder cut.
  • Snyder has not said anything about studio interference regarding the Snyder cut.

Are these points we can all agree on?

Because I'll agree with gbaji that this is the closest we will ever get to Snyders vision for justice league.

I also agree with Sapphire Guard regarding that that doesn't prove that this is the move that Snyder would have released to cinema. I do however consider that to be an irrelevant point, since the movie we did get when Snyder was given control is the Snyder cut.