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    Halfling in the Playground
    Join Date
    Aug 2023

    Default Re: Ideas for "Grey morality" optional side quests

    Quote Originally Posted by gbaji View Post

    I do have a question about them though. What makes the villains... villains?
    I was thinking of just going with a monster type that is generally accepted to always be evil (but not the type of evil that would set out to corrupt people, like devils and hags, as that would immediately lead the game in a different direction.) I was thinking green dragon, but lich, mind flayer, beholder (I think they're still considered evil, despite Xanther's), and doubtless many others should work.
    (My examples are from D&D, which is the RPG I know, but I would assume that all/most RPGs with a monster manual would have monsters that could be used for this.)

    And thank you very much for the story. I was curious.
    Last edited by Alexander Atoz; 2024-03-13 at 09:09 AM.
    DM, writer, and blog master of dragonencounters.com, a blog dedicated to providing unusual, worthwhile encounters for each monster, making each one unique.

    Also, suggestions for which monsters might be found together (for people tired of dungeons full of one humanoid race, and perhaps a few beasts and undead.)