Quote Originally Posted by Cikomyr2 View Post
Im not going to bother spelling out the plot points you decided not to pay attention to because you predetermined your conclusions.

Yes, Europa was a prison to Veidt. Even if he spends the last of his days in an American prison, it would be a much more pleasant experience than the nightmarish existence he was trapped in Europa.

If you cannot comprehend why for Veidt, Europa was the single worst place in existence to be, then i feel you just dont understand the character.

Either through brilliance or unwittingly, Jon designed the single most perfect trap to punish Veidt. And in his hubris, Veidt happily walked into it.
Veidt chose to go there. Yes, he was quite clearly bored of it by the events of the show, but the use of all these people is deeply unethical. Even if you are considering it as a means of punishment, these people have done nothing wrong to deserve this fate.

And "I have grown tired of killing people" as a motive is not either a severe punishment nor redemption.

Veidt also is not killed or shown to be imprisoned. A *lot* of people are killed over the course of this show for far lesser crimes. There isn't a great reason why Veidt is treated so gingerly.