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Thread: Rebel Moon final trailer

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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Re: Rebel Moon final trailer

    Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire Guard View Post
    Either can be true at any given time for any given production. My stance isn't one or the other, it's that it is difficult to tell for any given production. So when someone says 'this person is good/bad when they have control' without actually knowing what the have control of or waht they don't, it doesn't mean much.

    The other problem is that it is all too easy just disregard anything that doesn't fit the preferred pattern with 'they musn't have had control of that' every time their work does something outside your expectations. So we end up at 'if you ignore everything that doesn't fit the pattern (on the basis that whatever doesn't fit the pattern must be because of someone else) then it fits the pattern.' So we end up in weird places like 'Snyder can't make short films if you ignore the short films he has made'

    You can apply this logic at any person, with any piece of media, at any time, and it can't be proved wrong, whether it's true or not. Any time something doesn't fit your perception of how a creator operates, you can just assume it is the influence of someone else.
    Honestly, I don't really care either way if Snyder has control or not. Take Taika Waititi, I have really enjoyed his movies for their signature humor and goofiness, that is tempered by a lot of heart and love for the characters. Thor: Love and thunder is what happens when he forget to add heart to the movie. If his next movie have similar problems, and the one after that, and the one after that. I would begin to worry about this trend of his.

    Snyder last five movies have all been over two hours long and all of them (except maybe Army of the dead, since I have not seen it) has felt very long. The first part of that statement is just objectively true, the second part is my opinion.

    This is a trend, and it's completely irrelevant if that's because Snyder wants movies to be long or if the studios are forcing him to do it.

    Edit: To clarify, I'm not counting Justice league at all when going trough Snyders moves since it was not finalized by him and we therefor can't know for sure how long it would have ended up being.
    Last edited by The Patterner; 2024-03-15 at 03:27 AM.