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Thread: Fallout official trailer

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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Feb 2012

    Default Re: Fallout official trailer

    Quote Originally Posted by Bavarian itP View Post
    Six new shows in the last seven years, four of them still running. I really don't know what point you're trying to make here. And when did Star Trek disparage their fans? Wasn't Picard season 2 and 3 about 100% nostalgia fanservice?
    Ah, yes... Those incredibly popular, well-writen and beloved series... How could anyone forget about them?

    Well... I won't get into it because I don't think there's much worth discussing about ST these days...

    Anyway... The point still stands even if you decide to remove ST from the equation.

    The whole "it's not for the fans" thing never works.
    It just reveals tthe new show/movie/game/whatever is being made by ppl who don't know and/or don't care about the original source material... And probably even look down on its fans. It's the whole" We know better than the fans" attitude again, so common these days...

    And then, when it inevitably fails, we get once again the old and tired slandering and gaslighting of fans "it wasn't the fault of our horrible product, incompetent producers or soulless corporation... It's the fans who are wrong! They don't like us just because they are immature hateful biggoted man-children. Yup. There's no other possible explanation. No, sir.".

    Meanwhile... The once beloved franchise takes another step towards the abyss of apathy...
    Last edited by Lemmy; 2024-03-16 at 04:45 AM.