Aiden seems pleased that Shandara has remembered his other project - he's still going to need help with preserving the disassembled tree if, when, his proposal is accepted. But he's also excited to be working with spirit wood again, the moment it comes up. Any more gaiety in his steps, and he'd be dancing as he crosses the floor in a hurry to clear one of his benches for the sample timber.

"Oh, certainly, certainly. Happy to help. But honestly, it's just a bit of cutting; unless it somehow turns into a long and hairy sort of job, I'm happy to help without a charge. Oh - that reminds me! I have something for you, here..."

He crosses the floor again to one bench, then another around the corner when that doesn't pan out. He calls out conversationally around the bend as he searches.

"Your transparency spell paid off, then? Good, good. I've been thinking..." A pause as something around the corner almost falls and is saved by a flurry of improvisational restacking... "...That cutting the spirit wood might be the wrong approach, in the first place. Since the crystal as far as I can tell grows along the grain, we might have more luck carefully splitting pieces off from a round instead of cutting them from a block. Let the natural wood fibres parrallel to the major veins do the hard work. The wands blanks will have a more organic shape, but that was going to happen anyway with the crystal..."