Quote Originally Posted by Lemmy View Post
And that point is: "it's not made or the fans" is just a shorter way of saying "We don't know or respect the source material, its fans or its authors. And we will ruin this adaptation trying to prove how much more enlightened than them we are".

Fast forward a couple months and we have yet another case of a huge studio essentially paying hundreds of millions of dollars for the benefit of weakening their brand and shrinking their audience...

I wish i could find that montage of a bunch of showrunners, movie makers and producers saying "I never read/watched/played [source material]"... The same ones who went on to make highly acclaimed and profitable gems of entertainment, such as Rings of Power, The Marvels, She Hulk, The Witcher, Ahsoka, etc...
The counter-example would be Tony Gilroy and Andor; he's distinctly not a lifelong Star Wars fan. He also mentions that he's specifically hired people he thought were good, but were not Star Wars people and to tell others not to let Star Wars get into their head.
