Yeah, characterization most certainly isn't consistent. It could be an interesting character, but it's definitely not the same character. It really feels as if the show needed to be its own thing, without the Watchmen ties. There's some ideas there, just not ideas that fit well with the existing story.

Quote Originally Posted by Talakeal View Post
IMO its actually worse. Except for the, imo pretty excellent, scenes of Mothman in the asylum, Doomsday Clock is just terrible.

Of course, neither of them are so bad that I discount them entirely Highlander 2 style. Which creates a conundrum for me, as there are now two inferior and mutually exclusive sequels to Watchmen fighting for space in my head-canon.
Impressive. I'm now a little curious to see how they wrecked it so badly. Not sure if I'm curious enough to buy it solely for that, but still.