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Thread: The Royal Artificery Society - IC II

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: The Royal Artificery Society - IC II

    The carpenter is silent for a moment. A smile of sympathetic pain for Shandara's self deprecation goes unseen as the drowess fixes her eyes on the floor. Aiden kneels to pour the tea using the altar as a table - and as a pretext to lower himself to nearer the seated elf's eye level without condescending to her.

    "Shandara... I'd been thinking about making those spectacles for you as soon as I noticed you might benefit from them. And I thought I'd used the spirit wood for them the moment we'd purchased the piece, and it looked like I'd be cutting it up for use with suitable offcuts to spare. Why, once we'd moved on to using the tundra oak for the ranger's violin, the reason I was anxious to get my hands on any spirit wood at all was to make them. But after we clashed about it, I put the rush on that project because I wanted to show you there were no hard feelings about it - none, not at all."

    The whisper of a porcelain cup rocking gently in its saucer fills the quiet for a moment as he sets a presumptuous serving of tea on the recamier beside her.

    "I was upset for a little, yes, but it was just a misunderstanding. We're from different worlds, you and I-", the statement pregnant with possible interpretations is quickly found to be meaning only its mildest, "- I'm country, and you're city. We come to things like that transaction with different assumptions and then there's misunderstandings. That's all it is. You're not a bad friend or a disappointment or anything like it. I'm glad to know you."

    Spoiler: OOC:
    Ooh, classic Zelda harpery! Good scene music, too.

    And it's a perfectly normal prayer room idontknowwhatyouretalkingabout
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2024-03-19 at 03:29 AM.