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Thread: Fallout official trailer

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: Fallout official trailer

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyndmyr View Post
    I suspect that quite a lot of people get into the movie industry because they want to work on their own ideas. Writing, directing, etc.

    But when so much of the industry now revolves around existing IP, they don't actually get to do that. So, they resort to attempting to put their ideas into that IP. Many of them don't fit well.
    There' s nothing wrong with adding your ideas to an existing IP (most of them, Fall Out included, are big and/or flexible enough to accomodate them), as long as you do it while respecting the original work and its author.

    Quote Originally Posted by Errorname View Post
    The worst moments in literally all of these are attempts to be fan-pleasing.
    I disagree. But even if that were the case, you can't simply add a couple a few bits of nostalgia after completely ignoring, insulting and downright undermining the original work, and expect that to work... Just like you can't sprinkle a few chocolate drops on a turd pie and expect it to taste good.

    I fully expect this series to be Fall Out on its most superficial level only. At its core, it's probably going to basically ignore (or worse: try to undo) any an all characters and lore that gets in the way of whatever crappy idea the producer has in mind...

    It'll get the visuals well enough... And then disregard the main themes and atmosphere of the games. The stuff that actually kept people coming back to Fall Out.

    And when it fails, the fans will be blamed, as usual.

    "How dare these commoners not appreciate the work and ideas of the enlightened showrunners? The only possible explanation is that they are ignorant close-minded bigots!"


    I hope I'm wrong... But I'm not optimistic (obviously).
    Last edited by Lemmy; 2024-03-19 at 06:56 AM.