Quote Originally Posted by DreamCreator View Post
Hey looks like Serini IS still around

Maybe she will actually DO something now

Fun strip. Bloodfest seems a more accurate shade smaller than Calder does in this most recent panel-angle.

Looks like a good moment now to see how Lien and O-Chul work together with the OOTSers against a formidable opponent.

I see a double-halfling rage getting activated soon, like next strip. Everyone's gotta protect their kids. Belkar will activate in defense of Bloodfeast. Serini will activate to defend Sunny. HALFLING ATTACK!!!!!
Oh, that would be great as a chatacter moment. The two Halflings, both acting in defense of their non-humanoid friends. One, an Evil SOB who is slowly turning over a less bitter leaf, the other the heart of her group fallen to cynicism and bitterness.