Quote Originally Posted by oudeis View Post
Fallout 4, with the lore-breaking real-time 3D first-person gameplay it inherited, is why we are seeing a flagship AAA adaptation on Prime instead of some doomed B-grade miniseries on SyFy we would have gotten if the purists had their way with the IP.
The purists would not care if the franchise had remained a critically acclaimed but relatively obscure CRPG franchise instead of a flagship AAA series that gets big budget TV adaptations. If you don't like the more mass market version of something you are unlikely to care that the franchise remained in it's pre-mass market state.

I don't hate Bethesda Fallout, Interplay had already ruined the franchise as hard as it could possibly have been ruined so Bethesda making some okay games and letting Obsidian do a standalone expansion that tied off the west coast games into a neat little trilogy is about as good as I could have hoped, but I find this argument bad. I am an audience member, not a shareholder, I have no monetary investment in the IP, it's financial success means nothing to me save for how it might effect the production of future entries, and if it's financial success comes in the form of compromising those entries such that they lack the heart of the series, that's ultimately not much different to me than if they stopped making them.