Quote Originally Posted by Kish View Post
Roy did not save. Roy was affected by a Mind Blank
I was referring to #1001 and also a reminder that Durkon specifically wondered if Mr Scruffy could get just Roy and not anyone else to fight Malack. He expected Roy to make a save.

The point is that just because something is stereotypical - like paladins having good saves - doesn't mean it's in effect in the story or in particular scenes with particular characters.

Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
They get Smite Evil, which does grant a damage boost.
If the anti-magic ray is on, they can't Smite Evil.
If the anti-magic ray is off, Calder will fly and be out of melee range just like he was at the start of combat.

Either way, there will be no smiting.

Also not to kick a man when he is down, but O-Chul's smite evil isn't that great. He gains no bonus to hit (poor Charisma) and adds his paladin level to damage which we know can't be more than 4 at most.

I'm not saying Paladins are terrible characters, heck, Soon was the only being in the entire story that got Xykon scared enough to try and run away.

In this situation, they are not really helpful.
Unless of course, the author has some amazing trick up their sleeve.
But that would make it more likely to be something unrelated to them being paladins.

Lien is specialized in aquatic combat. Sure, she's standing in water now - and that might have been intentional by the author - but the assumption the original poster referred to is a situation where she'll get out of it.

And O-Chul's specialty is being a tank - something that isn't useful against a giant monster with massive AOE power that can fly out of range.
If they block his flight and spellcasting, then they got a dino to do a better job.

Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
Paladins cast from Wisdom, and O-Chul's Wis should be high enough. If there's something keeping him from casting it's him not having enough class levels.
Not having enough levels is exactly a reason not to cast spells. He needs to be at least paladin 4 to cast assuming he has a bonus to wisdom score.

Also, I'll repeat again - have we seen either of them cast a spell? Ever?
Lien is at least paladin 5, so she has spells. Sure. But we haven't seen her use them.

Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
The fact that most of them blew their saves doesn't mean that paladins in general don't have high saves, as they get their Cha as a bonus to saves. (So O-Chul's out of luck.)
The fact that we have seen something happen most of the time doesn't mean it happens most of the time?

Just to be clear here -

I'm not saying that it has to be that they'll be dominated.
What I am saying is that seeing them now and assuming they'll be part of the action seems like a safe bet.

But they aren't changing the tide of battle - they can't. They are not equipped to be a major impact in this particular situation.

Paladins have the problem of being:
1) Very magic dependent
2) Very melee dependent - Lien's crossbow barely did anything to Oona. Calder is on another level entirely.

They are also not the main characters, just side kicks.

So it's likely that something else will be done with them.
I merely suggest that they'll be dominated because that it Calder's schtick and Haley's bluff got him to stop doing it for the party, but new comers might make him go for it again.