Quote Originally Posted by SlashDash View Post
Not having enough levels is exactly a reason not to cast spells. He needs to be at least paladin 4 to cast assuming he has a bonus to wisdom score.

Also, I'll repeat again - have we seen either of them cast a spell? Ever?
Lien is at least paladin 5, so she has spells. Sure. But we haven't seen her use them.
Not that I remember, anyhow, but that's largely irrwlwvant. We know she can cast spells, because she's told us that much, and quite explicitly.

Quote Originally Posted by bunsen_h View Post
O-Chul wasn't affected by the Symbol of Insanity. And learned Xykon's spell list "one saving throw at a time". He's got really good CON and appears to have pretty good WIS; he managed to break free of Xykon's Mass Hold Person. He might do okay against Calder's attempts to dominate.
Yep. In terms of Fort, we're likely looking at something above +15 for a modifier if he's naked, assuming no feats or such to boost it. Serini got really lucky with that poison, and even then it took an awful long time for it to take effect. As for Wis, beyond the thing with the Symbol, O-Chul, of all poeple, getting dominated sounds, narratively speaking, very unlikely. That's not an O-Chul thing to do.