Quote Originally Posted by Sapphire Guard View Post
That would be a good story, but it wouldn't be a better version of the Jedi Order, it would just just be a different one with different strengths and weaknesses.
I think we're using different definitions of "better." Would it be a more effective Jedi Order? Not at all. I think it'd make for a more interesting vehicle for storytelling, though. My main issue with current Star Wars canon is that it's boring and predictable, not necessarily that the Jedi Order needs to be perfect in every way. A Jedi Order structured as a loose fraternity would both make for better stories and create more plausible reasons for its weaknesses and failures.

As it stands, a monolithic Order that somehow has the logistical capacity to manage itself across a whole galaxy for hundreds of years, yet fails to notice or act against obvious threats, ends up feeling driven by writer fiat instead of natural behavior.