Originally Posted by mechalich
…Ahsoka, notably, would handle all character development regarding Sabine Wren (who is basically a co-lead) about ten times better if it includes a two-minute flashback in episode one….
A flashback would’ve been helpful to put Sabine in context; but we’d still be left with all the draggy, padded tedium in every episode, plus the pile of ill-advised creative decisions throughout the series.

My personal headcanon is that Sabine is the ex and the entire series is actually a breakup story. All the meaningful looks and sulky silences make more sense that way.

Originally Posted by mechalich
…it's not like Disney hasn't tried to make at least somewhat smaller and more personal stories into TV series. Obi-Wan and Ahsoka both involve a lot of character study….
Ahsoka is smothered with the personal angle (I’m running with “breakup story”) but even so, the external action involves a looming threat to the galaxy, so the show isn’t really confined to the personal story.

And Obi-Wan involves the survival of the future hero of Yavin and toppler of the Emperor (by proxy)—as well as his sister, a future leading figure in the Rebellion—so again, galactic-scale stakes in play.

A truly personal-scale story could sustain a tightly-scripted, well-acted series, and there are enough moral quandaries inherent in the setting to tie the personal drama into the Star Wars galaxy, without having to actually save the galaxy. But that would probably be far too much of a departure from the standard Star Wars template.

Originally Posted by BananaPhone
The Imperial Agent story is legitimately just a great story. It's a spy thriller where you basically hunt down the Space Illuminati. Think Jason Borne/James Bond/Mission Impossible meets Star Wars. There are some great moral conundrums and seeing what it's like being a 'regular' person in the Sith Empire. Overall, there's a reason it's regularly rated the best story of the lot.
Where is this now? Never heard of it, but sounds very interesting.