Quote Originally Posted by gbaji View Post
But if there is no threat to something bigger, why bother making the character a Jedi? That's kinda what I was getting after here. The Jedi have all of these powers. This makes them seriously overpowered for just about any minor thing that only matters to a small number of people. Yes. I suppose you could do a story about a Jedi protectig his family farm from some evil cattle rustlers or something, and while that might be interesting, I don't think it'll be interesting enough to enough people to justify the cost of a live action show/film.
Not all Jedi are Obi-wan, or Mace. Some of them are nameless, faceless, not-ever-going-to-be-on-the-council, aren't they? So not as potent, but still Jedi. Yes, Mace is OP for Durn Cattle Rustlers...but maybe Gin the Rookie might be appropriate. And I think we'd be better looking at the spy/intrigue land for ideas rather than just the Old West.

Winter Soldier was the best Marvel movie, and would have been better without the heli-carriers. Important stakes, but less flashy and making use of one of the lowest powered Avengers. Use this model and we could finally see tales of the Jedi from when they were an effective peace keeping force of not-Generals.

- M