Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
Should it? I had the impression that when a magic item has a spell as a requirement, but doesn't actually cast it, it's not bound to minimum caster levels.
From the SRD : "While item creation costs are handled in detail below, note that normally the two primary factors are the caster level of the creator and the level of the spell or spells put into the item. A creator can create an item at a lower caster level than her own, but never lower than the minimum level needed to cast the needed spell."

Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
Good point. I was thinking about making it immediate, but then I felt that move action was a bit more true to the source material. Should I remove Contingency or change it to Immediate? ... I'll split the difference and do both.
The lesser and greater versions are good.

Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
So yeah, the word "charge" does actually have to be used (would the phrasing need to be changed?). I'm not sure what to do with combining the item's and the lead's charges.
Seems better that way. Honestly just leaving it as is to the DM and rules-lawyers to decide whether combining the charges is possible is not bad.

Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
Hmmm... Let's see if I can do something with that...
We'll be following your carreer with great attention.

Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
I tried to clarify a bit how I imagine it works:
Does it now seem alright or is there anything else that requires clarification?
I like it. The examples are detailed enough to give an idea of what to expect of other uses.

Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
The Queen of Chaos
Spell-Like Abilities: At will—chain lightning (DC 21), chaos hammer (DC 19), clairvoyance/clairaudience, deeper darkness, desecrate, detect good, detect law, detect magic, fear (DC 19), greater dispel magic, major image (DC 18), magic circle against law, magic missile, mantle of chaos (DC 23), mass charm monster (DC 23), pyrotechnics (DC 17), read magic, slow (DC 18), suggestion (DC 18), symbol of death (DC 23), symbol of insanity (DC 23), symbol of pain (DC 20), symbol of persuasion (DC 21), symbol of weakness (DC 22), telekinesis, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), tongues (self only), unhallow, ventriloquism, and word of chaos (DC 22); 3/day—polymorph any object (DC 23); 1/day—circle of death (DC 21). Caster level: 20th.
Typical obyrith lord SLAs. PAO is strong. With 20th level cleric casting, Obyrith perks and form of madness, it may be higher than CR 24. Maybe 25 or 26.

Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
Constrict (Ex):An attack with a slashing weapon that deals at least 15 points of damage severs a tentacle (AC 25).
Does this require a Sunder attempt? Or to specifically target the tentacle? Does the Queen take the 15 damage?

Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
Tear (Ex): A beak hidden among her tentacles automatically bites a trapped opponent for 2d6+5 points of damage each round.
How is it different from Constrict? If it's not, then add it to Constrict. If it only affects one creature, then say "one trapped creature each round for ...damage", rather than "a trapped opponent for ... damage each turn".

Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
Noxious Cloud (Su): Affected as by deeper darkness and stinking cloud, cone, 30 feet, once per hour; Fortitude save (DC 26). DC is based on Con.
Use a sentence. "Once every hour, the Queen can exhale a cloud of noxious gas in a 30ft cone obscuring vision as deeper darkness and nauseating creatures as stinking cloud (Fortitude save DC 26). The DC is based on Con."

Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
Chaos Gate (Su): Three times per hour, when the Queen detects the Rod being used, she can create a gate within 30 feet of her. The other end opens in the Abyss or the Material Plane 1d10 x 10 ft + 20 ft. feet away from the current wielder of the Rod. For each piece of the Rod that has been assembled, subtract 10 feet from the distance the gate appears in front of the wielder. Through this gate, the Queen will send a pack or troupe of spider-demons to slay the wielder and retrieve the Rod.
Can the Rod actually be used if it is not fully assembled? Maybe make it so that the Queen can open the Gate every time a new fragment of the Rod is assembled. Why does she not simply steps through herself to absolutely destroy the poor PCs who found the first and second fragments? Is she bound to her realm somehow? I don't have the courage to read the whole Rod of Seven Parts adventure book just to find out. I'd say she fears the power of the Rod itself, even incomplete. It has the power to make things act more Lawful, which is the exact opposite of the Queen's own power, and she knows exactly what alignment-changing magic can do to someone, and wants nothing to do with it, unless she absolutely has no choice, when the last or penultimate fragment is assembled.

Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
Form of Madness (Su):The victim suffers a -2 morale penalty to any action done at the direction of another, whether an order, an encouragement, or a suggestion, as they dread the idea that freedom may not exist.
The form of madness is extremely cool, but that sentence makes no sense, either in english or in D&D. Does it affect attacks or spells? To what die does the -2 apply? It would be more streamlined to just have it apply to Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Intimidation and Sense Motive skill checks.

Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
On a failure, they suffer 1 point of Wisdom drain and their alignment shifts one step toward chaotic evil.
*one step towards chaotic on the law-chaos axis, or towards evil on the good-evil axis if the creature is already chaotic*