Eh, I think we need to distinguish between 'I personally believe is good,' 'is popular' and 'is good for the long term health of the franchise.'

It seems likely that just playing the greatest hits is likely to be more short term popular than experimenting with new stuff, but it's not an infinite well and you end up running through your own fans. You need to expand and make more things that can be included in your greatest hits.

Like, I personally would find a series that focused on some sort of Jedi Dispatch service in the High Republic really, really fascinating! How do you deploy thousands of Jedi amongst millions of worlds. How do you prioritize? Some stuff, sure the Senate decides to send you as envoys, but how do you decide whether to dispatch Jedi to investigate corruption on world X, murder of an ally on world Y, or off to train on world Z? Who is making those calls and how do they live with the consequences? After all, the Jedi only know they got in some good training on World Z, they don't know that a murder went unsolved and corruption spread. But the person who made that call probably does.

Do I think that would be popular? Probably not. Would I enjoy the heck out of it? If it was any good at all.