Quote Originally Posted by Keltest View Post
Probably not even that, given that the allegedly old and relatively feeble chancellor whipped out a lightsaber and killed several Jedi resisting arrest. Even toadies like Tarkin would be hard pressed to say that they should have made a stronger effort to capture him alive.
Eh...so this goes back to the 'what evidence is available' and the weirdness of Star Wars security/tech. Like, if you've got a security camera that captures all this and can't easily be faked, yeah, I think you're probably okay. There's questions about the Jedi Council's authority to make an arrest, but Palpatine 100% initiates combat and bounces around like a deranged laughing murder machine. Anyone who sees that isn't going to be on his side.

But, if it's treated like Space Fantasy, and the only evidence is testimony from the two people who killed him...I mean, I can see Tarkin et. al. saying 'bull****, you murdered him and your companions who tried to stop you!'