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Thread: They're making a Matrix 5.

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Sep 2009

    Default Re: They're making a Matrix 5.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vahnavoi View Post
    Animatrix, Reloaded and Revolutions didn't miss the original's point - indeed, the latter two in part exist to address a criticism about the original missing the point of its own source material, Simulations & Simulacra. Reloaded and Revolutions suffer from many other problems, but that's not one.
    That sounds like missing the point of the original with extra steps.

    The Matrix was a good movie because it was a well-executed action film/hero's journey. The style, the high concept, and the philosophical window-dressing helped elevate it into a great movie, but the foundation that those things rested on was a fairly simple, timeless story about Neo becoming the hero. The genuis of The Matrix was that it had just enough philosophy to make it interesting, but it ultimately let Neo's arc of becoming the one do the heavy lifting.

    The sequels did, indeed, miss the point. They overrated the depth and complexity of the original's philosophical content, tried to give it increased focused in the sequels, and wound up with a lot of trite navel-gazing. They overrated the importance of the special effects and forgot to give most of the fights clear narrative purpose, tension, or proper stakes. They gave us a lot more of everything that The Matrix was on the surface level, but they failed to understand what all of those things were ultimately in service to.

    I'm not sure what point you think that The Matrix missed, but whatever it was, it was probably better off for having missed it in favor of being what it was.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyndmyr View Post
    Honestly, the last Matrix movie real reason to exist,
    ...and it knows it. My take, back when it was released, was something like "The movie spends its entire runtime trying to find a reason to exist and never does".

    The movie wanted to subvert and criticize its own existence, but it didn't have any ideas on how to do that other than some fourth-wall straining comments about WB. It then unironically had scenes from the original playing in the background, tried to remake iconic moments from the first movie, and tried to replace Smith and Morpheus with new versions instead of coming up with new characters. It gets lost in convoluted metaphysics that make nonsense out of the plot, gives us "bullet time, but better!" that's basically just the Time in a Bottle scene from Days of Future Past, and ends with, "Hey, uh, I guess we're back to the end of the original Matrix movie now, only with two Ones?".

    It's an astonishingly confused film, and in a very different way than the usual kind of cluster**** that we get from Disney nowadays (which basically comes from trying to write the scrip three days after principle shooting wraps up). There's so much conscious effort into trying to be... something. And the best it can do is "Here's Neo vs. Smith from the first movie again, only with much worse stunt work, cinematography, choreography, and costume design".
    Last edited by BloodSquirrel; 2024-04-09 at 10:11 PM.