Quote Originally Posted by Talakeal View Post
Everything everyone has said makes sense.

Still though...

When I look at the Jedi, I see a bunch of guys with sticks up their butts, a group who aspires to be the villains from Equilibrium.
At the same time, the Sith Code strikes me as advocating something more akin to the bohemian lifestyle.

From my understanding of the Jedi philosophy, I imagine their response to slavery would be "Slavery is bad, but trying to end the practice would be worse. Peace is most important. The best course of action for the slaves is to learn to be satisfied with their lot in life and give up their desires for freedom, and just hope that one day their masters also become enlightened enough to free them of their own accord."

Whereas the Sith I can actively see leading a slave revolt or a revolution against a tyrranical government. Afterall, the Sith code ends with "..my chains are broken. The Force shall free me."

I personally am pretty cynical. I don't see any good people in amongst the Jedi except maybe Qui-Gon. I don't see many good people amongst the Sith either (except maybe Dooku, it's hard to tell), but viewed through my lense of cynisicm, that makes sense as most people are not good.

But still, whenever I play a Star Wars RPG, I find it far easier to play a passionate rebel who follows the Sith philosophy than that of the Jedi. Combine that with the fact that the Sith have a cool edgy look to them compared to the Jedi's ascetic robes, and its a no brainer.

I am well aware of the parallels. A few years ago I started a thread about diplomacy in LoTR and the whole thing got scrubbed for being too political, despite the fact that, afaict, there was actual direct reference to real world political figures or parties, so I am trying my darndest not to make any comparisons to real world history or religion.
You're overthinking it. The Sith like to dress up their selfishness with deep philosophy, but its basically a lie. Theyre bad people who do bad things because they can get away with it.