Quote Originally Posted by Gay Poro View Post
What I love particularly about this fight is that it's a very DnD way to take down the Dragon. It's silly and cool and strange to have a lizard transform into a T-Rex, twice in one fight, as a way to win. It feels like the creative, crazy fun way a real group of PCs would try to take down a Big Bad. I really appreciate Rich's writing, as always
This is a really good point! In most narrative media, you wouldn't get a T-Rex transformation reveal twice. Most authors would just do it once, for the impact shot, and then move on to something else. But I have absolutely been in a D&D fight where the best strategy was to try repeating That Thing We Did Two Turns Ago That Almost Worked. Fun to see it in comic form!

It's also still a good storytelling moment. The vibe I get from a second transformation (aside from the tactical problems for Calder) is that Calder is losing his ability to control the battlefield. He tried to shut down the T-Rex and it didn't work. That feels very much like when I'm running a boss monster and it tries & fails to stop a PC's spell or effect. It's a real blow to the boss's ego usually, and indicates that they are on the back foot.

Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
No we don't. Belkar said "any", not "all", and it was fulfilled when he killed the Oracle. The Oracle was just teasing Belkar with the exhaustive list.
Yeah, I agree. The Oracle's vague teasing about "and as for the elf..." WAS cut off by Belkar's attack, which would be a decent way to hide a major spoiler. But given that the Oracle said "yeah I wasn't buying any of those either", he could just as easily have finished that sentence with "Vaarsuvius will die of Elf Old Age 2.5 years earlier than they otherwise would have, given all the stress your shenanigans put them through."