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Thread: Fallout on Prime post-release thread

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Fallout on Prime post-release thread

    All right, finished my fairly leisurely stroll through the series. Overarching rating of the series is that it's a 7/10 overall; I had it at about an 8.5 before the final episode.

    Detailed thoughts on various subjects:

    Spoiler: The Ghoul

    Sadly as good of an actor as Walton Goggins is..."The Ghoul"/Post-war Coop is easily the weakest link of the series. Basically nothing he does make sense. I simply do not buy him as a survivor and world-renowned badass. It seems like the only reason he's lived as long as he has is that while he is incredibly, unbelievably stupid everyone else around him is somehow dumber. Like the "President" cutting him loose...not disarming him...then having his own guard DISARMED, and then, only then telling them to kill him. Or the Brotherhood guys sitting there and listening to him monologue while he explains a heretofore unknown fatal flaw with the T-60 that lets somebody with a shotgun kill any Power Armor wearer instantly. The plot armor is strong with this one, ugh.

    Spoiler: The Plot
    The motivations of most of these characters make zero sense. This in itself is kinda fine for most of the series but it really rears its head when Moldaver explains her motivations and yet it explains absolutely NOTHING. How does she know this stuff? And more importantly, what was her ****ing endgame with this cold fusion reactor?

    I don't mind TOO much that Shady Sands was destroyed, though it being nuked makes little sense. Would have made more sense if it was sacked or something. I mind IMMENSELY that it seems like New Vegas has fallen in the last 15 years, and I don't see a way they can write their way around how spiteful and nonsensical that seems. Especially after featuring Mr. House in the flashback.

    But the main thing is that the three main characters have...[precisely zero reason to be at odds, and yet they are because the plot demands they be. I genuinely have no clue why Maximus and Lucy split up at the end, or why Lucy thinks she has any leverage at the end. Or why Hank gives Moldaver the code.

    Basically, the core issue with the plot is that everyone is ****ing stupid.
    Last edited by Rynjin; 2024-04-15 at 11:06 PM.