Quote Originally Posted by Murk View Post
This got me thinking what the perfect location would be, and my money is on the inside of the nose.

- Very easy to make it bleed, I can do it with my own fingernail!
- Bleeds a lot and easy to keep the wound open, so reliable supply
- but also easy to stop the bleeding when you want, so not very dangerous.
- Easy to aim.
- I've never heard of a nosebleed getting infected, it doesn't even need to get bandaged.
- Not on the outside of your skin so it won't touch anything while it heals

And as a cinematic bonus:
- Easy to hide fake blood capsules on stage.
- Very symbolic: close to the brain!
- Properly gross.
I think one potential downside (though that might apply to some of the alternatives, too) is that some of this depends on the individual. When I was a kid, my nose started bleeding quite frequently for little to no reason, but it bled so little I usually didn't even had to do anything but lean my head back a little. Meanwhile, my sister's nose didn't start bleeding nearly as often but when it did, it was basically like someone had turned on a tap of blood, I remember her even having to sit over the sink a couple of times since it just bled through paper or wool (and she eventually had to cauterize her blood vessels or something along those lines). I don't know how representative either of us is, but still.