First Sergeant Honor
Warforged Paladin of Conquest
AC: 19 HP: 5/64+5
Temp HP:
PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 14
Conditions: Armor of Agathys 10
Concentrating on:
6 / 6 d10 HD
Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 1/2 2nd
Lay on Hands- 0/30

Honor wakes up, rolling to his feet. Tired of tactics, tired of holding back, he moves to flank the massive creature and starts smashing.

Spoiler: OOC
Attack- (1d20+7)[8] to hit for (2d6)[3][6](9) +4 Bludgeoning, plus (2d6)[2][2](4). (1d20+7)[24] to hit for (2d6)[4][6](10) +4 Bludgeoning, plus (2d6)[4][4](8).