Tiefling Barbarian/Wizard/Warlock/Fighter
AC: 19 HP: 62/63
PP: 12 PIv: 11 PIs: 12
Conditions: Blindsense (10), Arcane Ward (5/5), Temp HP (12)
Light Source: Golden Bracelet (Light Cantrip)

Left disappointed at being unable to face the beast in direct combat, Aanash sighs and looks at the repeatedly triggering trap. "I will begin breaking this while you search the vault!" he calls to the others. When the spikes shoot out of the walls, he uses his spear to shatter them with sonic force, one at a time.

Spoiler: Actions
Using Booming Blade and his hammer to smash the spears when they pop out, while Adam and Honor search the vault. Let me know if this requires any rolls to see how long it takes.

Svek, Kobold Sorcerer | AC: 17 | HP: 53 +12 /62 | PP: 15 PIv: 10 PIs: 12
Spell Points: 12/32 | Sorcery Points: 4/6 | Wand: 7/7 | Wings 118/120
HD: 6/6d6 | Draconic Cry: 3/3 | Command: 1/1 | Misty Step: 1/1
Infuse Weapon: 1/1 LR, Resist Damage rx: 2/3 LR
Conditions: Concentrating (Web)

Considering the task of how to get rid of the giant monster carcass, Svek wets is throat with his waterskin and begins launching continual globs of magical acid at it.

Spoiler: Actions
Engaging in a continual stream of Acid Splash to carve a path through the monster corpse. Targeting along one of the sides so there's less material to melt down to allow people to slip through.