Taalia Giovanni

Taalia could do little but stare at the scene before her, as even her instinctual fear towards the supernatural was serenely demoted by the placid nature of what she saw. It was easy to be frightened, terrified even, as recollections of her time within that isolated country manor and its ghoulish interior rushed back into her mind to warn the girl against messing around with spirits again, lest she not be so lucky this time to find a way out.

And yet, no fear resonated within her, no bleak apprehension sought to squash her curiosity and turn her around to walk back to the camp with her little cat in arms.

Swallowing, biting her bottom lip, Taalia looked down at the message written across the snow by Milo's unwitting movements. In her basic Bretonnian, she knew it was 'speak', because it was the same word in Tilean.

Looking back up at that lonely ruin, then back at the words, Taalia knelt down to gently let Milo from her hands so that he could resume his guided work...