First Sergeant Honor
Warforged Paladin of Conquest
AC: 19 HP: 5/64+5
Temp HP:
PP: 11 PIv: 9 PIs: 14
Concentrating on:
6 / 6 d10 HD
Spell Slots- 4/4 1st, 1/2 2nd
Lay on Hands- 0/30

"I must admit, I'm on my last leg. All that is keeping me up is the last spell you cast. I fear that without further healing I'm either going to be relegated to the last line of defense or a glorious final charge. Can't say I wouldn't prefer to take it easy through the rest of this, but I doubt I'll get the luxury." Honor had tears in his armored body, revealing leaking fluids, shorn metal, and broken wood. He slaps Adam on the back. "Until we get this trap settled, you and I are the front line, the forward scouts, and the vanguard all in one, brother."