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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Mar 2024

    Default Re: Simple RAW for 3.5: 38 pages, and I still don't know how to play D&D

    Q105 It is regular to use Bone/Corpse Creature (BoVD template human warriors or experts, created with the Create Undead spell, as followers for the Undead Leadership feat?

    Can a golem limb be attached to an undead to create an Half-Golem?

    Or, can an half-golem (one that superated the Will save and did not became a construct), once killed, be reanimated as undead?

    Could an Half-Golem Corpse Creature be a follower? Or be controlled as a normal undead?
    Last edited by Samael Morgenst; 2024-04-23 at 07:04 AM.