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Thread: Got a house rule document? Share it!

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Default Re: Got a house rule document? Share it!

    I don't have a document per se, but I do have two common rules I use from game to game as they've become a staple. The first of which is from a RAW perspective without the perspective of D&D literacy. Basically, touch spells allow you to hold the charge and the combat rules allow you to touch up to six friends as part of a full-round action. As nothing says only the first touched gets the benefit of the spell, upto all six are capable of benefiting from the spell. The second is that if you use standard or full-round action to make attacks with a weapon then they are attack or full attack actions.

    A previous rule we had was that you could overrun on a charge (we use a pre-errata PHB), but recently we've moved to using the 3.0 charge rules which inherently allow an overrun with the chimera rules. On that note we've also adopted the 3.0 version of power attack (just remove the special text from the 3.5 version of the feat).

    A rule that I thought would be common, but actually turns out isn't from my interactions on this board, would be that rules that can conflict only in part do so only in so far as they have to conflict. An example would be that you can't cast spells of a certain level unless you reach a level in the class that would allow you to cast the spell. The versatile spellcaster feat allows you to cast spells of a higher level. The way this rule would work is versatile spellcaster can fully function without violating the first rule and does not specifically mention it does. Therefore it does not violate the rule. Versatile spellcaster cannot let you cast spells of a higher level than your class level allows.
    Last edited by Darg; 2024-04-23 at 10:44 AM.