Quote Originally Posted by Tzardok View Post
The only thing I heard in that direction is that there's next to no interaction, and that the lung dragons are spirit beings created by the oriental pantheons, probably inspired by Io's children.
Created by the Celestial Bureaucracy? Are you sure? Do you have a reference for that? I'd love to delve more into that if possible. (Even if you only know where it came from rather than having a link, that's useful. For example, if you know that it was written up in a particular Dungeon magazine or something.)
Quote Originally Posted by Tarmor View Post
Aha research! FR isn't my normal gaming so I don't expect to have great answers. In regards to Lore, and changes in edition, Kara'Tur is a mess. There may not being any specific lore linking the different types of dragons. The little I can lookup is from AD&D and 3rd ed, and both say similar things in regard the Oriental Dragons, and nothing in regard to any relationship to the Chromatic/Metallics.

AD&D Oriental Adv: Most oriental dragons are officials in the Celestial Bureaucracy. Each type has been charged with some aspect of government.
3.0 Monsters of Faerun: Although all dragons are believed to have come from the same roots tens of thousands of years ago, the present varieties keep to themselves and cooperate only under extreme circumstances, such as a powerful mutual threat. Good dragons never work with evil dragons, however, though a few neutral specimens have been found with either. When evil dragons of different varieties encounter one another, they usually fight to protect their territories. Good dragons are more tolerant, though also very territorial, and usually try to work out differences in a peaceful manner.
3.5 Oriental Adv: All lung dragons have the spirit subtype, and most are officials of the Celestial Bureaucracy, a governing body of powerful spirits. Each variety has its own role and task to perform.

My opinion: I'd expect all three dragon groups to try and keep to themselves, though in this case, the good dragons might send a representative/ to ask assistance from the Celestials. I feel the Jade Court would not want to get involved at all, delaying a response, making excuses, etc, but if there was a threat to their land/peace/people, they would grudgingly get involved. Exactly how they get involved would depend on individuals alignment/interests/responsibilities... as well as any orders they were specifically given.
That's more than I had previously, so a big help! The more info I have on them the better I can patch things together without having to worry about screwing myself somehow with lore issues later. Thanks!