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Thread: Iron Crisis Pt3 IC

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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Iron Crisis Pt3

    Cheerful Sam | Grepha
    Half-Dragon Warlock/Bard | Imp Warlock
    AC: 12 HP: 37/62 | AC: 13 HP: 20/32
    PP: 10|13 PIv: 15|12 PIs: 11|13
    Daveorn Disguise, Bardic Inspiration (Grok, Caelyn) | Spider Form

    Hurrying out into the hall, Sam sends a pulse of psionic power and two bolts of energy at the xvart - should he catch a line of sight.

    Spoiler: Rolls
    Move into the hallway.
    Bonus action Mind Thrust if xvart is in range, (1d20)[16] DC 15 Wis vs (3d6)[13] psychic damage and one action/bonus/reaction on next turn.
    If xvart is not in range, bonus action Tumble Dash to pursue.
    Action for Eldritch Blast, sparing him the launches
    (1d20+7)[14] to hit Blast 1
    (1d10)[1] force damage on hit
    (1d20+7)[10] to hit Blast 2
    (1d10)[7] force damage on hit

    Not turn

    Tabaxi Rogue 8
    AC: 17 HP: 35/63
    PP: 18 PIv: 15 PIs: 14
    HD: 8/8d8
    Restrain: 3/3 Dawn
    Arrows: 7 acid, 5 fire, 6 cold
    Silver Dragon Wyrmling
    AC 17, HP DEAD /45
    PP: 14 PIv: 11 PIs: 12
    Bite +6 1d10+4
    Breath 15' cone 4d8 DC13 Con Recharge 5-6
    Paralyzing 15' cone DC13 Con paralyzed 1 minute

    Leaf is already on the run, drawing another arrow from his quiver.

    Spoiler: Actions
    Move into hallway, bonus action to Dash after the xvart if necessary to get into line of sight.
    If he's visible from the doorway, bonus action to Hide (1d20+11)[28] (1d20+11)[30] in the doorway before popping out for a sneak attack.
    Shoot with a cold arrow if able to get in range.
    (1d20+11)[28] to hit
    (1d6+8)[11] damage, +(1d6)[4] cold
    If Hidden:
    (1d20+11)[14] and (1d20+11)[17] Elven Accuracy
    and (4d6)[19] sneak attack damage
    Last edited by RandomWombat; 2024-04-23 at 03:55 PM.